AI Platform

Artificial intelligence aids rail freight transport in diagnosing defects




Cloud Technologies

AWS LambdaAWS DynamoDBAWS StepFunctionsAWS BatchAWS S3AWS SNSAWS KMSAWS CloudWatchAWS CloudTrailGitLab


Freight Transport


Our customized AI platform is specifically designed for use in rail freight transport. It integrates state-of-the-art AI algorithms and high-resolution imaging techniques to proactively identify and classify potential issues with freight cars and their load. This early fault detection enables more efficient maintenance work and optimized operational processes.


During our work on the AI-driven diagnostic platform in rail freight transport, we confronted and overcame several obstacles. These included:

  • Image quality and recognition accuracy
  • Scaling and processing speed
  • Integration with existing systems and processes
  • Security and data protection

About the Platform

The AI platform is built on cutting-edge cloud technologies, including AWS Lambda, AWS DynamoDB, AWS StepFunctions, and AWS Batch. It uses Terraform for deployment and GitLab for CI/CD. Our solution is flexible, scalable, and secure, thereby supporting a wide range of AI applications.

For a deeper insight into one of the platform's applications, visit this page.

Your Platform

With our expertise and your vision, we can collaboratively develop your AI platform.

Ready for the next step? Contact us today and let's realize your vision together.

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